The unknown value of the Net Promoter Score(NPS)


When you’re preparing to make an important decision, whether it’s moving to a new apartment, changing jobs, or choosing your holiday destination, you probably start with two things: you research online and ask for recommendations from friends and family. net promoter score (nps)

Recommendations from people close to you are incredibly valuable to your customers. According to Nielsen’s «Global Trust in Advertising» report, 83% of respondents said they trust family and friends’ recommendations more than any other media.

Think about it for a second. This statistic means that even if you do things right, if everything in your company is perfect, from your logo and blog posts to the subject lines of your emails, The negative experience of a single user with your brand could cost you a customer. In fact, customers are more likely to talk about bad experiences with a brand rather than good ones, and when this happens they can convey their dissatisfaction with 9 to 15 people, on average. Some report it to over 20.

So you need a way to measure that your customer is satisfied and one of the easiest indicators to use and what gives you a good outlook is the NPS. Knowing users and their degree of satisfaction with the product or service has become increasingly easy with scanning and tools like the Net Promoter Score (NPS).


NPS stands for Net Promoter Score, and is an indicator of customer experience. It measures the odds that your customers will recommend your company and is obtained by means of a survey with questions such as «would you recommend this product or service?».

Today, thanks to social media, your customers can quickly share recommendations (and negative feedback) across all their networks at the touch of a button. That’s why you need to gather their opinions and identify the drawbacks as quickly as possible, not only to avoid negative reviews and experiences, but also to make your customers feel so happy that they recommend your brand to their friends and family.


The NPS is the answer to this question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our organization to a friend or colleague?”.

From the number chosen by the customer, we can classify it into one of the following categories: “detractors”, “passive” and “promoters”.

Breakdown of the score:

• 0 – 6: detractors

• 7 – 8: passive

• 9-10: promoters

The strength of the Net Promoter is not its ability to measure customer loyalty (there are already many arduous ways to do so), but the ease with which loyalty and loyalty are measured.

Ready to get started? In eAlicia we have everything you need to get your NPS index. With eAlicia you can measure your company’s NPS and know your customers’ loyalty quickly and easily.

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