Financial Services
Create trustworthy loans

Improve your image by making a difference from the moment the client enters your office.


Improve brand positioning

Offer the greatest of experiences

Know the satisfaction degree of your branches

Train and inform your employees

"To improve is to change; so to be perfect is to change often"

Winston Churchill

"To improve is to change; so to be perfect is to change often"
Winston Churchill

With eAlicia you can generate reports to guarantee clients in the medium / long term. This guarantee goes through knowing the needs of when a client enters your bank branch for the first time and obtains a correct experience. That person will become a brand ambassador and build long-term trust.

Our main clients, whether they are Banks, Insurance or Financial Advisors, trust us for having a long knowledge of the tools to measure the most important services. The creativity to be able to create surveys with eAlicia Surveys helps them measure each of the parameters necessary to achieve the objective

Thanks to the data provided in real time with our eAlicia Worldwide Map, you will be able to know first-hand what the values ​​are and in any part of the world that we want to measure. Whether we need to measure Internal Quality or Customer Experience, eAlicia will provide us and compare the data.

360º solutions