How to make a market study of a company

Feasibility analysis as a study method

Knowing what customers who use a product or service need, what they think, or how they feel is critical to making the right business decisions and market study.

The feasibility analysis should be based on the information provided by a good market study. Without a previous market investigation, we will hardly be able to consistently estimate the expected demand and create a realistic scenario of the expected sales in our company.

Objectives and stages of the market study:

  • Obtain feedback, opinions and customer data that are relevant, rigorous and through the most appropriate channel.
  • Have KPIs, metrics, indicators and objective data for decision making.
  • To know the clients in depth: the Experience they live, their Satisfaction, their Perceptions and their Profile.
  • When necessary, design processes so that information capture is constant and automated.
  • Increase the company’s competitiveness and competitive advantages. Detect our opportunities and threats.
  • Identify improvement points, critical areas and business opportunities.

The eAlicia market studies offer you all kinds of channels and research techniques to obtain reliable data with which to work in a good marketing strategy.


With eAlicia you can do:

Quantitative Research:

  • Electronic, telephone or face-to-face surveys
  • QR Codes.
  • SMS and Social Media Surveys.
  • Paper forms (processed with scanner)

Qualitative Research:

  • Customer Interviews
  • Focus Group

How to do a market study with eAlicia:

  • Our eAlicia experts will advise you on the methodology, the questionnaire, the process to follow and the system to obtain feedback from customers. They will make an analysis of the feasibility of the project.
  • Statistical rigor is the foundation stone of any good study. We chose a good representative sample. We use any channel and technology needed to understand and talk to customers.
  • We use any channel and technology needed to understand and talk to customers.
  • We Adapt: we carry out from small projects to large international studies and in multiple languages.
  • You have at your disposal the eAlicia platform, which allows the easy visualization and analysis of the results.
  • Our experts will analyze and collect data to present the final results of the study.

on eAlicia performs product tests, analyzes the behavior of your users and gets a good positioning in front of the competition. We’re waiting for you!

eLearning and training for workers

Online courses to evaluate your workers you need to improve

Training for workers is essential for the success of any company. Improving the knowledge and skills of those who make up our company has become the tool to bring the company to high levels of excellence and competitiveness.

It is worth mentioning the importance that the majority of the online courses adopted are currently taking to train and improve internal staff. This is due in large part to its multiple advantages and benefits, allowing all students to study from home outside their working day. In this way, companies and workers who contribute for vocational training can do our job by applying eAlicia in a simple way.

Companies benefit from the continuous training of their employees in many ways: by homogenising the brand image, increasing the quality perceived by customers, improving sales results, increasing the capacity of teamwork and loyalty to its workers, among others.

Some advantages of online training are:

  • Working and studying at the same time: By not having to go to any centre in person, you can combine your working life with your studies. In this way the company can offer training to workers outside working hours.
  • Own space: the training activity can be done from home and organize space in your own way.
  • At your own time.
  • Flexible shcedule.
  • Tutor who guides you through the process
  • Cost savings

This is why the eAlicia platform includes one of its 4 modules, eAlicia eLearning, which specializes in creating your online courses for workers. eAlicia eLearning provides endless solutions for monitoring students through specific vocational training for individuals or groups of students.

eLearning eAlicia

eAlicia elearning courses offer a wide range of content.

Some of the most recommended employee training actions are:

  • Excellence in Customer Service.
  • Excellence in Care for Helpdesk.
  • Claims management.
  • Time Management and Productivity.
  • Stress Management Course.
  • Leadership.
  • Teamwork

is the best tool to grow your company. Contact us to design a quality training plan adapted to the needs of your staff. Just take the step with our employee courses!.

5 Benefits of Conducting an Evaluation in Your Company

eAlicia we tell you 5 benefits you will get when making an evaluation in your Company

Quality control in a company is a strategy to ensure care and continuous improvement in the quality offered and improvement of the quality of its products, services and productivity.

Nowadays one of the essential factors in a company is internal quality. Not only does it improve your customer’s perception of your brand, it also helps to optimize your company and learn about possible shortcomings or improvements that are not visible to the naked eye.

Below, we will cite the 5 benefits when making an evaluation in your Company.

1. Know your company’s weaknesses

Al realizar una evaluación sabemos que comerciales, agentes, trabajadores… Están realizando un servicio adecuado para la empresa y que problemas o mejoras pueden hacer que mejore el trabajador. ¿Saluda adecuadamente al responder el teléfono?, ¿es resolutivo?…

 2. Increase productivity

Perform product or service tests, analyze the behavior of your users and get a good position in front of the competition with a solid product strategy.

3. Measure & conquer

In any quality control we have to define two essential measures, effectiveness and efficiency. We have to know how to differentiate them;

Effectiveness: Measures the degree of achievement of objectives. An activity is effective if it achieves the results it intended to achieve.

Efficiency: Measures the use of resources needed to achieve a goal. An activity is efficient if it minimizes the use of resources or produces better results with them.

4. Supervise your suppliers

Homogenize how you want your suppliers to represent you and improve your presence.

5. Control at all times

A good evaluation service is usually instantaneous, detects inefficiencies and is faster than others by adapting to the tastes of consumers. In our case (eAlicia), you can also learn first-hand what your brand’s customers know and how they position it globally.

Do you have doubts about how to implement a quality control in your company?, do not know how to start?

We help you!

Leave your details here and we will contact you to explain how you can improve your quality level

The cloud 360 eAlicia platform launches website

eAlicia launches a new website to present its four services: surveys, evaluations, elearning and user experience.

At eAlicia we are always very happy  and even more so,  when we present a new website. This website is characterized by showing the four eAlicia services in an efficient and interconnected manner. After 11 years in the market, we wanted to show all that we are capable of, especially with all the companies that have been with us for many years and that help us to improve.

Our four services are differentiated but interconnected with each other, we first find eAlicia Surveys, which are the basis for measuring everything and through any type of channel, it could be email, calls, sms, etc. and anywhere in the world, creating from simple to complex meters everything that we need to measure, then we find eAlicia Evaluations, our star product, which we are very proud of, consists of being able to measure our internal quality, creating values ​​per agent, employee or even service provider, listening to agents calls and so we can know what quality we are giving, our third product is eAlicia eLearning, a university, to train and inform all employees or members of an organization, for all the new employees that need a tutorial, or for personnel that require specific training, we can upload courses in various formats and track them. Finally, and what we can say is the one that is the most demanding is eAlicia Customer Experience, with this product we will carry out among others, product campaigns, know the positioning of our brand, measure our NPS, CSAT and so on withe endless possibilities.

In addition, our platform allows through the Alicia World Data Map, to know at a glance, all the data worldwide, either by country, by service or even channel. This map shows colors and creates values ​​and percentages with which you will know instantly, for example, what  business centers require specific supervision or improvement.

For more information about our services do not hesitate to contact us through our contact form, we will be happy to understand all your questions.

Why hire a Mystery Shopper?

You have to detect when a customer is upset with our product or service.

Having information from our consumers helps us to have greater productivity, better management and more control over our business. Mystery Shoppers serve to identify all these points and to have more control over the management in the company. With eAlicia you can measure all the interactions of your Mystery with your product to draw your own conclusions. You should hire a Mystery Shopper to control it.
In eAlicia we work with specialist companies in the sector that provide us with the best candidates. Depending on the service you choose, it will have one methodology or another. Posing the problem, looking for the best solution and acting on the most critical points is what defines a Mystery Shopper service. The main objective is to measure the Customer Experience in the purchasing process from the consumer perspective. Another goal is to follow the policies and processes involved by the company or analyze the marketing of our product.
Do you think it can be useful in your company? Contact us now and we will tell you how to act.

Success story insurance company

The project with the insurer is annual, we have 6 months with him. It is a mystery shopper made by 18 shoppers (half of them clients of different insurance companies and the rest of shoppers are not customers of any of them).
The goal was to analyse the behaviour of the competition in different situations. The first month analyzed the management of the situation by the COVID. He wondered how different companies had related to their clients. The goal of May was to analyze the communication with your company/mediator and the level of digitization of it.
In June the different shoppers requested different budgets on products that they had not contracted. The next month, the goal was to see how different companies loyalty their customers or future customers. In the last month we have been looking at two specific products that all insurers offer.
By October the shoppers will have to hire the budgets they requested in June. With all this information, our client has a global view of the insurance market.
Thus, you can adjust prices, or improve services where competition is faltering.
Are you interested in the course? Fill in the form or contact us at

Do you carry out eLearning training in your company?

To celebrate International Education Day we teach you in 6 steps to set up an eLearning system

January 24th is International Education Day. That’s why we want to help you implement eLearning to train your employees with our Cloud platform. In 6 steps you will be teaching your employees. All changes need special attention. If you want to implement an eLearning system to train your Call Center workers you will have to introduce the changes following a series of steps to ensure the success of the project. eAlicia have their own eLearning system and we can help you set up yours. Traditionally, face-to-face training has been considered the most effective. However, companies are incorporating training alternatives that allow them to be in constant recycling. They need to simplify logistics to get training to different cities and countries, with different needs and levels of knowledge.
A viable solution is to implement an elearning system and combine it with face-to-face training. However, it can be difficult to introduce a new training system if a good introduction is not made and this change is properly managed. It is essential to have a platform where you can upload courses and that your workers have access from anywhere to take the exams or study the curriculum. In eAlicia we provide you and you can benefit from the multitude of advantages that the tool has. Monitor employee evaluation in real time, compare data and draw your own conclusions. To implement eLearning training system we recommend that you take into account these 6 aspects:

1. Identify internal promoters.

There will surely be workers in your company who love new technologies. First, look for those who have used an elearning system before, who want to add value or who are always motivated.

2. Participation in the project.

Second, offer them and motivate them to participate in the project of development and implementation of elearning. You can incorporate them in different phases of the project. Some may be incorporated in the project definition, others in the choice of suppliers and the latter in the communication planning. They can also participate in pilot tests.

3. Functionalities of internal promoters.

  • To transmit a constant attitude of learning and openness.
  • Proactively intervene in part or all of the project. This involves attending meetings, preparing and developing ideas. But they should all be happy to collaborate in the promotion and in talking about the project when the time comes.
  • Be attentive to the different groups of influence of the company. Identify other potential internal project promoters and potential detractors.
  • Collaborate in the pilot tests for the implementation of elearning, providing feedback on the aspects to improve and solutions proposals.
  • Actively participate in the process of communication, training other partners and expansion of the project to other areas, companies or countries.

4. Desarrollo del proyecto.

A los promotores internos de proyectos les encanta participar en el nacimiento de los mismos. Poder definir los objetivos, el alcance, los recursos necesarios, distribuir las tareas y las fechas de entrega les ayudará a saber en qué están participando y cuál es su objetivo.

5. Comunicación y puesta en marcha.

Una vez testeado el proyecto con el grupo de voluntarios y promotores, la parte de comunicación se convierte en una de las más importantes. Puede incluir acciones tanto formales como informales. Es decir, enviar un email informando del proyecto y de las personas que participan en el piloto puede ser una señal de reconocimiento. Hablar de forma informar en el café sobre las virtudes y ventajas del proyecto puede ayudar a cambiar las perspectiva de otros compañeros. Se pueden incluir acciones de formación o acompañamiento para otros compañeros. También pueden participar en la recogida de opiniones y mejoras. Por otra parte pueden liderar pequeños grupos de debate para aplicar el proyecto elearning a otras áreas de la empresa.

6. Evaluación y mejoras.

Finalmente el seguimiento del proyecto es muy importante para conseguir que siga avanzando y no se estanque. La actualización de los contenidos, la participación de toda la comunidad de alumnos o trabajadores, y la medición de resultados son los pilares para que un proyecto de elearning tenga éxito. Es primordial tener una plataforma donde poder subir los cursos y que tus trabajadores tengan acceso desde cualquier lugar para realizar los exámenes o estudiarse el temario. En eAlicia te la proporcionamos y podrás beneficiarte de la multitud de ventajas que tiene la herramienta.
 Controlar la evaluación de los trabajadores en tiempo real, comparar datos y sacar tus propias conclusiones.
Want to set up your own eLearning system?