The global health crisis caused by the coronavirus has put the world on a “pause” for months. But now is the time to think about how businesses and users learn to live with the changes brought about over the past few months. Attitudes still incipient or unthinkable before the pandemic, such as Internet shopping or social distance, have brought about radical changes in business. In this context, customer care during the coronavirus and post-pandemic (if any) is key to business survival and success.

What we know so far about customer service during coronavirus

Some studies have analyzed customer experiences during the Coronavirus crisis. Here are the main data:

  • The incoming volume of customer mentions and queries on digital channels increased by 161%.
  • Brand responses increased by 178%.
  • Brand publications on the channels increased by 133%.

In other words, with the increasing demand for customer service on social networks and other digital channels such as text messages, email or chat platforms, companies have not only had to increase their responses but also their commitment to the customer.

If they were always necessary, empathy, active listening, customer connection and reliability acquire in these moments of crisis a leading role. In a context of uncertainty, it is necessary to prepare new strategies to maintain and maintain the loyalty of current clients, offering innovative proposals and adapted to the situation to incorporate new ones.

Digital attention to customers is playing and will play a central role. In short: creativity and innovation to provide personalized attention and unique experiences in the context of the gravity of the global crisis.

With eAlicia software, we help companies improve their communication channels with customers and train their employees to make customers become fans of your